Career Profile
Software development, experience in analysis, design, development and deployment of applications using .Net technologies and Android Apps. Research Experience of NLP and its implementation on Quran Text. Algorithm base systems for teaching and evaluating Arabic Conjugation systems. Information Retrieval project for Hadith Ravi chain detection for Sahih al Bukhari.
Here is the list of Projects which I have completed during my educational and professional career.
Natural Language Processing techniques applied on Quran Text
Natural Language
Processing techniques applied on Quran Text. Text segmentation and
Morphology based marking,Part-of-Speech Tagging and generation of
dataset of Quran text division of 23 attributes per word more than
80,000 words marked. Attributes marked in three languages Arabic,
English and Urdu total marked attributes more than 5.4 million.
Morphology based Quran dictionary.
Algorithm base automated Classical Arabic
morphology teaching system it generates the Arabic conjugations with the
help of algorithms, which take root words as input and then generates
the conjugations on the base of algorithms.
Examination systems for Arabic learners
Examination systems
for Arabic learners. Algorithm base automated Classical Arabic
morphology examination system it generates the Questions according to
the given patterns and then generates the Question and Answer on the
base of algorithm and evaluates the user’s answer with the original
Urdu Tafaseer
Urdu Tafaseer.
Hadith Encyclopedia with Urdu translations
Hadith Encyclopedia
with Urdu translations, Navigation by books, chapters and Hadith number,
apart from string search there are different marked searches
implemented in project to facilitate user in searching of Hadith.
Digitization of contents of Tanzeem Islami
Digitization of
contents of Tanzeem Islami, development of tools to solve inpage to
Unicode issues, development of marking software and finally web
application of Urdu Unicode library for Tanzeem Islami.
Android Projects
My Android Developer Page.
Honors & Awards
Software Competition winner Brainiac 2018